Jasper Crane Rose Garden Photo Contest
Age Groups
Up to and including 8th Grade
9th to 12th Grade
Open to All
One Exhibition Bloom
One Spray
Rose Garden
Category Definitions
One Exhibition Bloom: A specimen that has one bloom per stem, no side buds, stamens must show. Generally one-half to two-thirds open, gracefully shaped with sufficient petals symmetrically arranged in a circular outline.
One Spray: A spray has two or more blooms per stem with or without unopened side buds.
Rose Garden: Rose Garden: Use of roses within the structure of the garden. Roses should dominate in the photograph and some layout of the garden should be visible.
Contest will run from June 1st to August 15th

Each contestant may submit up to two photos in each category
All photos must be taken in the Jasper Crane Rose Garden
Submit application to jcrg.photo@friendsofwilmingtonparks.org with the following information:
- Submitter’s name, e-mail address and phone number
- Category and age group that submission is for
- Name of the flower
- JPEG file of the photograph
- No information identifying the photographer should be placed on the submitted JPEG file of the photograph
The Jasper Crane Rose Garden is located in Brandywine Park along North Park Drive in Wilmington, Delaware
Submitted photographs will be judged by a Master Rosarian and fellow experts in the field
A winner will be selected in each category and the top three photos in each category will be awarded
Announcements will be made at the fall Friends of Wilmington Parks 30th Anniversary Party and photos could be on display.
All rights to the submitted photos are retained by the owners of the photos. However, by entering the contest, the owner agrees to allow Friends of Wilmington Parks to display the photo and publish the photo in any publications.
No photographs will be sold.